/Our work

Integration and acceleration.

To drive awareness, target the over 50s and maximise first-time bookers for Titan Travel.


To promote their new ‘Perfect Moments Shared’ proposition, we were tasked with delivering a fully integrated TV, press and social media campaign. Targeting 50+ ABC1 new-to-brand audiences, our objective was to generate awareness of Titan Travel and to maximise first-time bookers.


Creative development

Media planning




Our approach

Beginning with a new TV creative, we brought Titan Travel’s ‘Perfect Moments Shared’ campaign slogan to life by showcasing holidaymakers, aged 50 and above meeting new people and sharing unforgettable moments together.

To strengthen brand prestige, we also recruited Hermione Norris, a recognisable voice over actress and star of ITV’s Cold Feet, to narrate the ads, as she falls within Titan Travel’s target age demographic and would be more relatable. TV ad spots were then secured on relevant daytime channels that indexed highly against their core audience, such as Channel 4, National Geographic, Discovery and Gold.


An engaging campaign

To generate brand engagement and direct response, we also delivered Facebook prospecting campaigns. Using a series of News Feed video ads, which featured the same creative as our TV campaign, we targeted frequent international travellers within the 50+ demographic and retargeted previous website visitors.

This social and TV activity was complemented by a comprehensive press campaign in highly relevant publications, such as The Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail. Half-page press ads were run alongside informative advertorials, both of which promoted tours to featured destinations.