Mole Valley Farmers appoints Accord Marketing to deliver Paid Search campaign


Accord Marketing has been announced as Mole Valley Farmers’ new agency partner, tasked with delivering a paid search strategy that focuses on driving digital transformation whilst increasing engagement and brand awareness, and securing sales both online and in-store.

We are delighted to be working with Accord and are excited about starting this new journey together.  We look forward to achieving great results with their expertise in digital marketing.
— Chris Taylor, Digital Marketing Manager

Accord’s Chief Digital Officer, David Taylor, said, “Accord has a proven track record in delivering exceptional digital performance marketing, so we are confident of delivering exceptional results in a very competitive market. We hope this is the start of an exciting and long-term partnership.”

To discuss your next project with us, or learn more about what we can offer and how we can work together, contact us today.


Sally Winfield

Sally is the CEO of Accord Marketing.




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