News & insights
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TV’s impact on search
TV and search are a match made in brand-discovery heaven and should be optimised to complement the lifestyle of the multi-screen loving audiences of today.
Putting the ad in advent - 2021’s Christmas round-up
From a vaccinated Santa to kid aliens from outer space, here’s our take on this year’s big ones featuring the opinions from some of our in-house designers who know a thing or two about creating magic.
Another delay or a saving grace?
Google have announced that the cookie-less world we’ve been anticipating won’t be arriving until 2023, leaving an even wider interim for brands to get prepared.
Data shows the future of radio
With Rajar data hot off the press, we caught up with our friends over at Radio Experts to hear the lockdown lowdown and where radio is heading in the future.
The Great Escape - recap
Key takeaways from our latest webinar: The Great Escape: Rethinking Travel’s Path to Purchase.
The latest working from home & commuting trends
There’s been a noticeable shift for us here at Accord in October as we’ve said hello to hybrid working, and each other once again. This month, we’ve moved to a new flexi week in which we spend 2 days in the office and 3 remotely.
GA4: The time is now
Amongst the many things that we can’t shy away from these days is privacy. And by privacy, we mean the data kind.
Where we’ll be
Upcoming conferences, workshops, and webinars that we’ll be attending, speaking at, sponsoring, or partnering with.