ITV Showcase 2024 - Making Great Things Happen

Held in Manchester last month, this event was full of insights. It featured a keynote from effectiveness guru Peter Field on TV’s value, announcements of a raft of new measurement initiatives, and the launch of ITV’s H2 programming strategy.

READ MORE: ITV Showcase 2024

Accord’s key takeaways

Delving into the insights shared from the day, Matt Price, Creative Strategist, shares the key insights marketers should be aware of:

  • Advertising effectiveness relies on high attention levels, entertaining content, trustworthiness, new technological targeting and on-demand opportunities.

  • ITV aims to make advertising accessible to all, including clients with smaller budgets.

  • Current measurement and attribution tools do not fully recognise TV’s value in advertising campaigns.

  • A recent study found TV advertising increased search performance by 5% and up to 20% for some brands and categories.

  • Campaigns integrating TV and search outperformed those managed separately.

  • TV-driven search traffic was high-quality, with clicks and conversions similar to other sources.

Read our Behind the Screen - The Power of TV  for more information about why you should incorporate TV into your media mix.


Matt Price

With a wealth of experience in navigating consumer trends and industry landscapes, Matt crafts innovative, creative solutions that deliver tangible results for our clients.




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