ITV’s Wise Up! report key takeaways

“Wise Up!” is the new guide from ITV and System 1 created to help brands produce more diverse and inclusive ads that better connect with an older audience.


Despite being sought after as consumers, and though they are the most engaged group amongst TV viewers, this audience is still under-represented on our screens.

In much of the ad industry, age has for too long remained something of a taboo. It’s time to finally change that. Our Creative Director, Richard Anderson shares his top takeaways:

Accord’s key takeaways

  • The prevalence of gender disparity, with older women still particularly under-represented.

  • The power or utilising cultural references that will resonate with an older audience.

  • How a focus on friendship and connection can help your ad engage with an older audience.

  • Remembering that older people weren’t born yesterday and that their experience should be valued.

  • The appeal of a well-chosen celebrity appearance can’t be under-estimated, provided it is done in the right way.

For more information about advertising to the over 50s, you can read our previous blog: Advertising’s unconscious bias: Marketing to the over 50s.


Richard Anderson

Richard is our Creative Director.




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